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Another kind of home video

Have you ever tried filming your family for posterity? If you have then you'll know it's a nightmare.

The kids won't stand still, the teenagers hide behind their hair and swear at you, and you have to get the adults drunk before they'll get in front of the camera.

Of course there is an answer to all this strife (ditch the camera!) but, like most things in life, it's only available to those who've got a bit of expendable income handy.

For anywhere between five and forty grand the Notting Hill-based Personal Motion Picture Company will set their camera operators, directors and editing staff to work on your life - creating the ultimate home movie for you and your family to treasure for ever (or at least until something swankier and more expensive comes along).

PMPC will charm your kids by turning them into little Brangelinas or Tomkats, they'll make your barbeque appear sunny, and they might even be able to make that weird uncle you don't see very often look charming and charismatic.

It may still be painful to watch (at least other people's), but at least the footage shouldn't make you car sick.

Personal Motion Picture Company
020 8968 7000
by RH
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