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Bang! Bang!

Le Gun is a fabulous looking magazine featuring illustrators, short stories, and comic strips that veer between the severely, brilliantly deranged, and biting social commentary.

Mainly, though, it looks gorgeous, which makes it well worth the asking price of eight pounds.

The second issue has just been published and can be found in all the usual suspects (Tate Modern, Whitechapel Gallery, Magma, Artwords) and, more importantly, for anyone who's ever searched for a copy of those free magazines you can never find (stand up Fact, Good For Nothing), you can also order a copy online.

The current issue features, alongside the young guns, work from established artists including Sir Peter Blake, Glen Baxter and Alan Kitching, alongside in the publisher's words "a spattering Uzi of narrative illustration and absurd wordage... featuring the dreamers, the misfits, the people who love drawing and storytelling, the people who are eccentric rather than fashionable."

You can also check out prints from the mag in The Notting Hill Arts Club for the next month or so.

Grab a copy soon - it has all the trappings of something that could be worth a few bob in years to come.

Le Gun #2 out now. Available to order online
Submissions to issue #3 should be sent to 22 Kempe Rd, London NW6 6SJ

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