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Oyster ready. Knife by Ralph Kramer

What with the nasty-yet-convenient recent flu bout going round and summer finally kicking in, there's never been a better time to pull a sickie.

Severe hayfever often does the trick and nothing beats a heat-induced migraine (for those who've never had one, they whack you for a day). Or there's always the ol' look-to-the-floor-in-shame for guys, -tears for girls, as you explain that you 'just have to go' technique.

A mere snip of a ride away from London, the Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company is a darling slice of nostalgic British kitsch. Set within a series of listed buildings situated slap bang on the beach, in a lovely fishing port overlooking the Thames Estuary, the restaurant and Shellfish bar purvey the finest freshly caught oysters and celebrated seafood with a view so beautiful as to erase all shades of guilt.

Personally, I always regard a two-day illness more convincing than one. Those of a similar mindset should check into one of the gorgeously converted en suite fishing huts overlooking the sea...

The perfect place to imbibe your way through a hangover-induced sickie before finally nailing Jodie from Accounts.

Whitstable Oyster Fishery Company
17-20 Sea St, Whitstable, Kent, CT5 - 01227 276 856
by VG
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