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Get the hair off the monkey's back

Just when the "bush" is supposedly back in fashion for women, it looks like men are jumping on the hairless bandwagon, and it's not just swimmers leading the trend.

Dubbed "Smoothies" these guys get off by being baby smooth. All over. Back, sack and crack wax: that's just the beginning. Thanks largely to Le Beckham's recent smoothe bod shots, these hommes have personal hygiene schedules that rival that of a Texas beauty queen and, even though it's made getting a prime-time wax appointment even more competitive, frankly we think it's worth it.

Think being metrosexual is high-maintenance? Think again. Smoothies take grooming to a whole new level.

While metrosexuals may think getting highlights and wearing salmon tones is the key to being modern (in footballers wives, maybe), these guys know that a good wax is the way to a girl's heart. Amen.

Now let's just see how they fare with the Brazilian. Veet is one thing, but spreading 'em under a surgical lamp is quite another!

Get smooth at Gentlemen's Tonic in Bruton Place or The Refinery at Harrods, Brook St and Bishopsgate.  
by EC
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