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Ever felt like experiencing Touching the Void-style mountain vistas without the prospect of falling down a ravine, breaking your leg and facing death through severe dehydration?

Well get yourself to the Isle of Skye where every night an audience of 200 will shortly be gathering at midnight to be taken on an awe-inspiring journey through the northern landforms of the Scottish island to the legendary Old Man of Storr and high cliffs above Coire Faion.

Before you say night walks aren't really your thing (you sleep with a nightlight, no?), when was the last time you physically challenged yourself or participated in an event with an actual feel good factor? That's what I thought.

The environmental arts collective and organisers, nva, claim that the walk will be an arduous physical test that will create an inspirational and intense experience (dramatic rock formations are illuminated, Gaelic poetry resonates from the mountainside) for each audience member. A tad creepy, yes. But interesting in a once in a life-time kinda way? Definitely.

So if you're up for some self-reflective get-off-the-couch-and-push-yourself time, this could be just the thing.

And it's cheaper than Outward Bound, or paying someone to carry you to base camp.

The Storr: Unfolding Landscape
at Isle of Skye runs Monday to Saturday from
August 1 to September 17
by JB
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