If you've travelled in Asia - without a rucksack strapped to your back - you'll probably know about the Luxe City Guides. From afar they look thin on the ground (they skip the long winded historical sections that only appeal to Michael Palin), but once inside, they're short and sweet, but jam-packed with cosmopolitan goodies. |
Miles away from hut- to- hut recommendations ('The Beach' is sacrilege here), these swish guides will point out places Lonely Planet couldn't even get into. They bill themselves as a 'lifestyle necessity' and they're not far wrong. Updated twice a year each of their twelve guides (from Bangkok through to Tokyo via Melbourne) is compiled by around 20 'style contributors' who live in the city in question and know it as well as you know your home town. It's like ditching the bearded history teacher in favour of an opinionated and fussy best mate. And for those with uncontrollably itchy feet they've just brought out a luxury box set, which contains the complete collection. Which will look good on your bookshelf, if nothing else.
12 city Asian Grand Tour Box Set USD 70 - enquire directly by email |
by ND |