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If you were going by name alone, you might imagine something called the 'Hipster PDA' to be some sort of Bluetooth-enabled, Wi-Fi touting piece of futuristic gadgetry, which can also play MP3s (but only songs by bands on independent labels no one's ever heard of).

But, ironically, the Hipster PDA is the very antithesis of that idea, in fact it's really just a bunch of index cards bound together by a bulldog clip... and a pen. (How very now...)

It's all about simplicity and organisation you see. The Hipster PDA was created by Californian web consultant Merlin Mann as a way of getting his daily 'to do' lists down in a simple and effective way.

A devotee of the cultish organisational bible 'Getting Things Done', Merlin decided he needed somewhere he could write down his ideas on the fly but didn't want to bother with LCD screens, batteries and impenetrable instruction manuals... and so an Internet fad was born.

Now the Hipster PDA craze has well and truly taken off (we're assuming in Gary Indiana) and people are 'pimping' their PDAs to include torches, calendars and even sundials (who knew?). Basically if you can print it on to an index card, it's allowed.

So what's next for the simplification treatment we wonder? Phones with built-in pinhole cameras? Instant messaging by paper airplane? We frankly, just want to get back to our crackberry's.


Hipster PDA  
by RH
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