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Kiddie Kennel

It's pretty cushy being a kid today.

Gone are the days of packed lunches and football, now it's all mini gastro menus and Yoga.

And now the cheeky buggers even have their own hotel.

Recently launched in Berlin, Kinderinsel is the first - of what we're sure will be many - kids only hotel.

Here, for a mere £47 a night, parents can check their kids in, leave them in the hands of pros who've had background checks, and be sure that they'll be better entertained than watching soaps with a sitter. Pyjama parties, fancy dress, and museum visits are all the norm.

A cross between a summer camp and a kennel it may be, but they get to play and the parents get to go away.

Our only question is, what's £47 x 365?


Kinderinsel Berlin - Eichendorffstraße 17, 10115 Berlin. EUR 79 per kid per day plus tax
+49 (0) 30 4171 6928
by ND
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