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Making Zen-se
Arrive in style

You know when there's a Rolls Royce outside on your way in, and a Bentley on your way out, that this place doesn't fool around, and the Baglioni certainly doesn't.

And their newly opened spa is no exception.

Upon arrival you'll be whisked into a world of Zen; sounds basic, but if you've been around the spa-block, you'll know it's not. The changing room fixtures are re-assuringly expensive and the products the essential vacuum-packed au naturals (Italian ones, so even better).

Treatments are all top notch, but we are fans of the classic Caroli massage - one hour under the hands of an expert here, and you'll stroll out inches taller (slight exaggeration, but we did sit up straighter).

We love the retro Havaianas, and the hotel bar for post massage celebratory cocktails. You didn't think we'd stay Zen for that long, did you?

Caroli Health Club
at the Baglioni, 60 Hyde Park Gate, SW7
020 7368 5923
by ND
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