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Weekend Away

I know it's cruel to dangle the w-word in front of you quite so early in the week, but really, how great are weekends? The extended hangovers, the market meanders, and o, the 'papers.

Enough news to keep us in the loop without bludgeoning us with despair. Arty bits to inspire without our even de-couching. Financial advice to help spend the money we don't have more wisely. Darling glossies with pretty pictures to ease our poor, booze-beleaguered minds.

And there's something even more magical about the travel sections. We lie on our comfy sofas, taking note of the FT's favourite frites-place in Antwerp, just in case we're ever in the 'hood; the futuristic Tokyo restaurant, the cracking cava bar in Barcelona, the cute riad in Essaouira.

But where do such notes and clippings go? Like last month's lemon risotto recipe, they end up as tea-ringed coasters or lost somewhere in your filing 'pile'. What you really need (still) is a proper PA. Or some kind of genius website that backdates, files and cross-references all travel recommendations from every reputable online reference, glossy mag, and 'paper. In the world. Ever.


by AC
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