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If I see one more set of little white headphones...

For a while there, Apple's Mr Ive was on a roll. One flash of an iPod and you could almost see the onlookers salivate. You were so kool. Even if it was Westlife you were listening to.

Fast forward to 2005 and you'd think there'd been an Evening Standard coupon special. No longer reserved for gadget freaks, DJs and big spenders, iPods are everywhere. As exclusive as the M&S Winter collection.

If you're determined to branch out, an übernaff Creative imitator holds a certain appeal, but there's no denying the power of the pod. Hold it, spin the wheel and one 'how cool' later, you're hooked.

So do what any sensible music-loving fashion whore would: Just get rid of those pansy white earphones .

Get an instant makeover with these:
The retro ironic: Sony sports (try eBay)
The antisocial: Sennheiser HD 280 Pro (try kelkoo)
The poser: B&O A8 (try eBay)

All while caressing that smooth little white wonder in your pocket. It'll be our little secret.

by MF
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