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With love

There are three reasons to go to the brilliantly monikered 'Lowlife' bar tonight.

Number one: to dispose of unloved Christmas gifts (admit it, there were a few); number two: to get hopelessly merry on a school night; and number three: to do some more for the ongoing Tsunami disaster.

Lowlife has teamed up with Fallen vodka to bring you a highly alcoholic Christmas Swap Shop. The idea is, you swap your tasteless 'why-did-you-bother?' Christmas gifs for something er, else.

It's time to banish all guilt and get ruthless (all ye Ruth's out there, take heed); your mum will never know you swapped your 'Chick's Rule' mousepad for an edible chocolate g-string. After all, at least you can eat the g-string.

The charity bit is that 50% of all cocktail proceeds go to Tsunami - but that's after you've downed a free vodka shot on entry and are a little more cash-happy.

Bring crap gifts, leave with not-as-crap gifts and drink lots on the way. Don't you just love January?

The Great Christmas Present Swap Shop
Tonight from 7pm
@ Lowlife Bar, 34 Paddington St, W1
by MG
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