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No dogs allowed

Having spent most of the Christmas period rushing around stockpiling nuts, small furry mammals are sensible enough to hibernate during January.

We, on the other hand, ran around wasting money on things no one needs during Christmas and therefore spend January avoiding the pub under the pretence of a detox programme, ill able to afford yet another bender down the Dog & Duck.

If the pub is off limits, it's best to keep real busy. Some people choose to spend the month working out how to use various torture devices in the local gymnasium. Clever people though head down to East London's thriving centre for arts and culture: Trinity Bouy Wharf.

Set on the fringe of the proposed Olympic district and built largely out of old sea containers, it's an intriguing sight and houses over 100 people involved in the creative industries. Numerous events and exhibitions take place there throughout the year.

From today you can see the Nomadics show which explores our interest in global travel. Originally conceived online, the project was pulled together by six artists working in set design, music and fashion.

It will cost you nothing and is guaranteed to be pub free. No stopping off in the Dog & Duck on the way home though.

Nomadics - January 14-30
Trinity Buoy Wharf, 64 Orchard Place, E14
Wed-Fri: 2-8pm, Sat-Sun: 11am-8pm
by RW
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