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With the deaths last year of The Face, Sleaze and Jockey Slut there's been a barren, tumble-weeded wasteland where once there were a wealth of style mags.

The void has been noted and the cravings for a genuinely new independent voice has been felt - somehow the ad-packed glossies just don't cut it.

Good then, that former Sleaze editor Stuart Turnball hasn't retired just yet. Turnball has teamed up with Neil Boorman (of Shoreditch Twat fame) to bring us Good For Nothing, London's latest style mag. The freezine is flying off the presses and into a bar near you as we speak.

Tipped as 'The free mag for young Londoners' issue One brings us: Confessions of a Cake Eater, How to French Knit a Lovely Necklace, an interview with Lady Sovereign and a side-splitting satire of the Evening Standard (oh boys, we at ES did laugh). Plus regular music reviews, fashion shoots and a monthly column from Lauren Laverne - The Lady.

It's a brave pair who launch a new style magazine on suspecting and highly sceptical Londoners - and the project is so on-a-budget that Turnball and Boorman are distributing it themselves, white van style. So much respect is due.

Good For Nothing? Good for something. Reading, mostly.

Good For Nothing magazine - out now  
by MG
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