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If you thought 'going for a curry' meant drinking all night and lying face down in a chicken korma until you're turfed out, then it may be time to come up-to-date. And Kuldeep Singh might just be the man to do it.

Known as 'Indias celebrity chef', Singh's name has long been a hallmark of decent Indian cuisine in the capital.

His successes to date include the award-winning Mela in Piccadilly Circus and its equally popular sister restaurant, Chowki on Shaftesbury Avenue.

Both have specialised in modern Indian food cooked with the minimum of nonsense and available at a more than fair price. But the venture which really put Kuldeep on the map was undoubtedly Soho Spice on Wardour Street.

When it opened Soho Spice had them queueing out the door, but in recent years the novelty factor has slowly worn off and so Kuldeep has now returned to mastermind a dramatic makeover.

The new Soho Spice menu will offer a tapas style approach to Indian food (so no more filling up on poppadoms and rice) and a wider range of 'Tiger Belt' food. While, downstairs, Singh has installed 'the Spice Lounge' which includes DJ, dancefloor and a late bar stocked, not with dubious lagers, but exotic cocktails.

Curry first, drinking later? It could catch on, we suppose.

Re-launched Soho Spice opens to public tomorrow
124-126 Wardour Street, W1 - 020 7434 0808
by RH
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