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Dirty dirty

Used to be that only boys kept dirty magazines under the bed, while the girls had to put up with skimming the smarty-pants Erotic Review and downloading free porn from the Internet.

No more, thanks that Scarlet magazine is on the newsstands.

After a few false starts, the magazine recently hit all the right buttons with its third issue, featuring urban slut hero Julie Burchill on why her vices are virtues, and a seriously enlightening article entitled "Large Love: The Fat Blokes We'd Like to Pork".

What's more, each issue also includes a selection of seriously titillating erotic fiction, so there's no need to buy those dirty books in foreign airports anymore.

You perve...

Scarlet Magazine - find out more at the website
Call 0870 2206398 for annual subscription - £39 with free "toy" worth £25. Great.
by EC
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