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From Italy with love

A girl can never have too many hats, bags and shoes, Ab Fab Patsy once gravelled between sucks on a Malboro Light.

Let me add something to that: magazines. A girl can never have too many hats, bags, shoes and magazines.

The minute Vogue, Heat & Hello land on our desks, we're sluts for them. No celebrity goes unscrupled and no fashion trend goes unworked. There's not a day that goes by when we don't need some light, all-consuming relief to stray our minds and fuel our lunch breaks.

This week sees Grazia come to the stands. For those in the dark, this is the long awaited weekly glossy from the Emap camp: celebrity and scandal teamed with upmarket fashion and lifestyle stories. Think Heat crossed Elle with a dash of ES and a sprinkle of Closer.

The first issue features Jennifer Aniston on the cover and inside you'll find Courtney Love post re-hab, Hilary Swank in Calvin Klein, A-list diet dissection and how to cook linguine.

It's a light, airy read with gossip points, but not so many you'll call up a friend shell-shocked - while the fashion raises our pulse-points nicely.

It's not so edgy that you'll love or hate it, and we're thinking it's a grower. Italy's version is their best-selling weekly - time will tell if this one ducks or dives.

Grazia - free copies this week at WH Smiths
Usual cover price £1.50, out Tuesday
by MG
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