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Roping it

Am I the only one who dreams of a procession of Hollywood stars strutting past my desk wearing fabulous couture gowns, like a scene from a vintage MGM musical?

Thought not.

While this is unlikely to happen in a physical sense, the tedium of the office can be injected with a jolt of unfathomable glamour thanks to a new photographic exhibition available to view online via Urban Junkies.

Getty Images has teamed up with Harpers & Queen and Cointreau to bring us 'Red Carpet Glamour - 50 Years of Movie Star Magic'. Celebrating the flashbulb cracking brouhaha on the crimson carpet of celebrity, it is neatly timed to coincide with both the Oscars and the Baftas.

Whilst you could trek down to the Eastcastle Street gallery (which is incidentally just across the street from my own workplace), it's much easier to sit in front of your monitor with something nice to drink.

Icons snapped at their most incandescent range from old-schoolers, Brigitte Bardot and Jackie O, to Madonna in JPG basque and Bjork in ill-fitting swan dress.

Which I'd suggest is a little more exciting than watching Sue from Human Resources cumbersomely replacing a pair of sensible courts with a pair of sling backs under her desk at 5 o'clock.

Red Carpet Glamour - 50 Years of Movie Star Magic. February 9 to 19 March 2005, 46 Eastcastle St, W1. See highlights online  
by ST
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