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Fancy yourself as a Pollock-come-lately?

Figure it's time to get your hands dirty?

Then Fig 108 could be just your thang. It's a private members club where you can paint. Don't be put off by the slightly cheesy looking website - I met the woman who runs it and she's way cool. Way. Honest.

Here's the deal: you cross their palm with silver to the tune of £40, turn up to a Fig Gig, get your artiste accoutrements - a blank canvas and as much thankfully-washable acrylic paint as you can splatter - a welcome drink and apron, and you're off.

When you need inspiration you can check out the member's bar and hang with other sensitive types seeking their inner creativity.

Let go of all that built-up stress. Find out if you're a piss artist or a real one.

Saturday and Monday you can do Painted Love - a Valentine's gig that's bound to be full of serious-artist types who want a shag. Go on, you know you want to.

Fig 108
Westbourne Studios, 242 Acklam Rd, W10 5JJ.
Saturdays 8:30pm til late - £40 for non-members. Email for bookings. 08704 103 254
by SF
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