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Burn baby, burn

Let's get one thing straight: Flaming Nora is not an upmarket kebab house.

It's more like what you imagine kebab houses could have been if the fast food evolutionary process had taken a more, shall we say, civilised path.

The first thing you notice is the whiteness of the walls. Boy, these walls are white, and that must mean they're clean! And it gets better. There's no perspiring hunk of unidentifiable animal flesh slowly revolving in the corner just fresh, juicy slivers of lamb and chicken and beef and fish (yes, even fish) sizzling away on open grills (separate grill for vegetarian stuff, of course).

We're running out of words and we haven't mentioned the sauces yet. The home made yoghurt and mint, the lemon and herb... and what about the fact that they sell Rizlas and chocolate bars in retro 'drugstore' sweet jars?

Can you tell we like this place? Can you tell we want them to open one of these right outside our front door? Can you tell we'll be insisting on taking all our friends there any time we go within spitting distance of Islington?

Did we mention how good the sauces are?

Flaming Nora
177 Upper Street, N1 1RG
by RH
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