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Every so often, a banker comes up with the best idea. Pink shirts might be of questionable morals; ditto with starting work before 10am, but those city boys, they do put on their thinking caps on occasion.

Perfect example: the soon-to-be opened Mint Club. The brainchild of the 26-year-old financial whizkid Alistair Paton (who, incidentally, sold his latest company for US$10 million), Mint is billed as part exclusive members bar, part business venture.

Essentially, it's like buying shares in your local. The club will be owned by a 228 shareholders who Paton is estimating will see a 15% dividend yield in the first year. A further 500 members will also be allowed to grace the posh Knightsbridge location - at a mere £500 per annum - and bid on shares when they become available.

Worried where your hard-earned fat expense account is going? Take your clients to Mint, throw down a wad and watch your wallet grow. Profits will be dumped into shareholders bank accounts every three months, which has made the sharehold list awfully impressive. Even the supposed competition - the owners of ChinaWhite, Home House and Collection - have signed up.

Think you'll skip the membership wait list and just swan in on some fool's arm? Think again. There is a strict three times and you're out (on your ass) guest policy to prevent "freeloaders" - aka girls - from taking advantage.

Which begs the question: can someone please lend me £500?

Mint Club
164 Sloane St, SW1
by EC
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