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Palma has been on the ups for a while now - what with a new boutique hotel opening by the minute and high maintenance slebs like CZJ and MD arriving in by the chopper load - but it's never really been able to achieve that illustrious 'cool factor'.

Tasteful (in spots) it may be, hipper than thou, it hasn't been. Until now, that is.

Puro Hotel - the only destination in Mallorca for boho chic pleasure seekers - has now opened an annex, PuroBeach - a beachside resort that mixes spa rejuvenation with night-time fun. Forget being followed around Ibiza by ticket louts (Base Bar!) - Puro brings the party to you.

Billed as an 'Oasis Del Mar', this is a kind of detox, retox: cleanse yourself with yoga by day and then reward yourself with cocktails and a boogie, by the pool, at night.

Think of a smaller, finer Pacha Ibiza and you are getting close. Cherry-picked DJs from Europe's capital cities will provide the Balearic Grooves (of course!) soundtrack.

So this summer, if you're after something different, forget Salinas and hit the Beach.


PuroBeach - opens today
Cala Estancia, Palma de Mallorca + 34 971 744 744
Rates at Puro Hotel from 150 euros per night
by ND
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