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Working on your fifteen minutes of fame?

You might want to check out the latest East-meets-West avant-garde endeavour.

Fred Gallery in Bethnal Green opened a couple of weeks back, the eponymous brain child of Fred Mann, an art dealer with a past and a penchant for lecturing (Oxford University, Goldsmiths College).

Right off, he's got two exhibitions: Philip Jones' The Cop (sci-fi imagery and mythic motifs) at Bethnal Green and Jasmine La Nuit in collaboration with central London's Chamber of Pop Culture at the Horse Hospital.

Jasmine La Nuit's the one to see: opened Saturday, it's a unique multi-media installation by the Norwegian artist Bjarne Melgaard. The exhibition features exclusive screenings from episodes of Andy Warhol's TV - Warhol's 70s TV series never before seen in the UK, and bound to attract all manner of creative types. Perfect date if you're trying to impress an artiste.

And the Horse Hospital - some say: the Alternative ICA - champions visionary and underground art, so you get the whole Factory feeling thrown in.

Andy might have said he was deeply superficial, but he's sure been famous for more than his allotted quarter of an hour.

Jasmine La Nuit: Bjarne Melgaard and Andy Warhol
at The Horse Hospital, Colonnade, WC1
12-6pm Mon-Sat until June 26 - free entry
The Cop ­ until June 19 @Fred Gallery, 45 Vyner St, E2

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