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Booty call

Are you making the most of your weekends, or indeed the capital?

Whilst it's all too tempting to spend your free days indulging in a bit of sofa-bound inertia like yours truly, you could alternatively get out there and enjoy London. If you're still not convinced, you could also win yourself a grand.

So now I've got your attention, here's the deal: The Tate is running a Scavenger Hunt this Saturday. Artists Joshua Sofaer and Stacy Makishi will provide 100 clues to objects, which teams of four must unscramble and then, armed with an A-Z, find and scavenge their booty, in the hope of winning a grand.

We're not sure how you'll get around London (the Tube? Good luck!) or how points are awarded (hopefully well coordinated outfits count for something!), but what we do know, is that it sounds like an interesting way to spend a Saturday.

If you can't convince a group of mates (preferably who are crossword/orienteering whizzes) to participate, you can check out the found items on display in the Turbine Hall for one day only, on Sunday.

Which is probably the only time, any of the participants will get to exhibit in the Tate.


Tate Scavengers - Sat 9 July (10:30am-9:30pm). To register a (four-person) team at £10 per person, email Caroline Brimmer. Only 25 teams can enter.

by ST
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