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In today's creative milieu where everyone seems to be a writer-designer-producer on the make, you'd have thought that you might know more people who professed to be poets.

But poetry has always had image problems; partly because, while everyone has written it, those who actually own up to writing it are either woosies still hung up on playground crushes, or wannabees, who should really leave their pens alone. That's why so many lyricists choose to learn to play an instrument: singer/songwriters get laid.

But all that looks set to change thanks to a poetry mag called Full Moon Empty Sportsbag.

Taking its name from cottaging parlance; whereby a horny suitor takes an empty sports bag into a toilet stall for his prospective mate to discretely stand in (only one set of feet...), Full Moon Empty Sportsbag has become better known as the outlet for the elegiac laments of its star contributor, Pete Doherty.

So now that poetry has the supermodel seal of approval it's likely that we'll be seeing a few more people adding "bedroom bard" to their list of creative hyphenates.

Full Moon Empty Sportsbag
Free from selected pubs bars and shops around town. Issue 4 out now

by ND
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