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From Me. Well, Me.

Hark! Another season of overdraft extensions and weekday hangovers are upon us.

Time to sign up for another no interest credit card to tide you through the long nights of giving and returning crap presents.

Oh Joy!

Choosing other people's presents is never fun - I like to distract myself by making long lists of what I'd like myself (Cartier watch, vintage Dunhill lighter, Mont Blanc fountain pen, bijou flat in Barcelona - little things, really) but still there are moments, while handing over your credit card to the disgruntled shop girl when you think: "Mum's going to hate this."

So, why not give the gift that keeps on giving? New Look's "Give yourself for Xmas" gift service is the perfect solution for you harried shoppers (it's good; read on). Instead of another overpriced gadget from China, your loved ones can receive you!! Wrapped up in a human-size box. On the doorstep.

What's more - New Look will perform a pre-stuff-in-the-box makeover and style consultation to make sure you are looking your best for the Christmas morning surprise.

The only question is: who to give myself to first? Prince Harry or Luke Wilson?

With maybe a quick stop-by with Robbie Williams, no?



Give Yourself for Christmas available at the New Look London flagship store at 500 Oxford Street from now while stocks last - £79.99  
by EC
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