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It Makes You Happy
Salt and lime ready

A posse of scantily clad freshers traipse down to Miss Moneypennys and, not yet acquainted with London style bars, are dismayed to learn that their spending power will cover precisely two drinks.

"But we want to get totally off our faces so that we can't remember our names", they say. "Well, maybe m'ladies would be keen to hear about our special offer?", suggests the barman. Tequila and champagne slammers for a quid? They're onto a winner.

By the evening's end most parties have been sick, one of the crew is discovered unconscious in the loos and the week starts on one of the cruellest, between-the-eyes headaches. None of them can ever drink tequila again.

Why did this happen? Because they were all alcoholics-in-training, yes, but also due to the ingredients. There are many things that the Latin Americans have always known but the British haven't been savvy enough to embrace until now. One is that tequila should be comprised of 100% agave, leading to a smoother, cleaner, warmer taste.

The mesquite variety, which most will be accustomed to, is toxic, bitter and rank. Boycott mesquite. Demand only 100% agave tequila. Check out global tequila ambassador Tom Estes' La Perla, Conran's Crazy Homies, and the just-opened Green & Red to try the real deal.


La Perla, 28 Maiden Lane, WC2 - 020 7240 7400; Crazy Homies, 127 Westbourne Park Road, W2 - 020 7727 6771; Green & Red, 51 Bethnal Green Rd, E1 - 020 7749 9670

by VG
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