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Hitting the Wall
Don't. Just don't.

So you think you're pretty good on the ice?

Mastered going forwards, and have even tried an arabesque or two?

Before you get too cocky with your fancy footwork, I'd wait til you try the ice wall.

Now open, Somerset House's ice wall is the first of its kind in the capital. If you thought skating got the adrenaline going (we are so old!), an hour here will keep you going 'til the New Year.

Eight metres high, this cold, cool plank has easy (thank god), as well as more challenging (for those of you who are one with bolts and beaners) climbs, and you'll be led by a rough and
ready qualified mountaineering instructor from the Scottish Highlands (mmmmm).

Just imagine the visuals of your friends trying to mount the slab; worth the price of a ticket alone! And if that sounds a bit hairy, maybe skip lunch and get comfy on skates first (Ice Climber In Training). If for no other reason than for the mince pies and mulled wine - makes your jacket potato look like a rather sorry option.


Ice Climbing (one hour session including climbing equipment and on-site instruction): £40. 11:45am-10pm - 0870 160 9737

Lunchtime sessions on the ice (boozy lunches at the pub are so winter 04) are Monday-Friday: 12.15pm, 1.30pm and 2.45pm.

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