The God of wine and merriment bids you so.
Set within the Wedgewood that holds court in the middle of the city, Bacchus is a hotel bar in that classic tradition of sophisticated dark wood and blood red details; of live pianists, luxurious wingbacks and banquettes, and a fireplace to sooth the chilliest of souls. Being named after the Roman god of the grape and also set within Vancouver, they obviously have a great wine list. But the classic cocktails are also exceptional (as is the brunch). Classy enough to entertain for business, Bacchus also makes a great setting if you have more romantic distractions in mind.
(Note, the lounge and restaurant are closed Feb 11-Mar 1 2010.)
Top Tip / UJ Loves: Eavesdropping here. The conversation around is too good not to, so take a friend that understands how important it is to NOT talk over dinner/drinks - or a mute.
UJ Orders: Something from the extensive wine list covering vineyards from the West Coast to France, South Africa and Australia.