Chill Winston
Humble, unpretentious and charming locale.
"A humble l'il unpretentious restaurant/lounge in Gastown," is how they put it. And whilst the food side of Chill Winston's can be a little hit or miss, the rest of the bar works like an absolute charm. The wine and beer lists are spot on; the design - all exposed brick, dark wood and black, leather sofas - exudes pure, stylish comfort; the patio out front is an oasis of people-spotting; and the crowd of slightly hipster locals wraps the whole packet up in a great vibe. Just don't let the unisex toilets confuse you...
Top Tip / UJ Loves: 3pm on the patio in summer and 3:30pm inside during winter - always an interesting blend of great people watching, style spotting and high-fives at an unusual time.
UJ Orders: Devil's Fruit - Kahlua, Van Gogh Espresso Vodka.
Chill Winston
3 Alexander Street
Vancouver, BC
V6A 1B2
Tel: +1 (604) 288 9575