Where the young and the hip hang out.
Down on Beatty Street, Chambar is filled with 30-something hipsters and creative-types splitting themselves between the restaurant's three rooms, chatting loudly and generally creating a wonderful atmosphere. The contemporary martinis from the bar certainly go down a treat and there's plenty of low-key appies if you're not too hungry but still fancy something to nibble on. But where Chambar really excels is in the heaped plates of succulent mussels and the mammoth list of Belgian beers. Go, try, adore, return.
Top Tip / UJ Loves: The staff. Seriously, the whole crew are great to talk with and super easy on the eyes. Talk to Robert - Sommelier extraordinaire if you are at a table and for God's sake try at least three news beers if you are sitting at the bar! For the clepto in everyone you are welcome to take some matches - beautifully designed pocket stuffers.
UJ Orders: La Pore Moroccan - Peppercorn Infused Tequila, Poire William, White Grape Juice steeped in Morrocan Spice, Blood Orange Bitters.
560 Beatty Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 2L3
Tel: +1 (604) 879 7119