The Irish Heather / Shebeen
Whisky is the way to go.
After a rather necessary spring-clean, the pairing of Irish Heather and Shebeen are back, once again offering their great low-key gifts. With its vintage Guinness ads and long wooden bar, flooring imported from the Dublin Guinness brewery and rather impressive beer line-up, the Heather is a fantastically welcoming pub in an authentic Irish/Scots vein. Hop across to its sister the Shebeen and things get even better (and cosier) as a mere 60 person capacity and simply astonishing Scotch, Irish, Bourbon and Rye collection makes this an essential for any whisk(e)y fan.
Top Tip / UJ Loves: The old Irish-Vancouver feel of sitting at the bar, chatting with good-looking locals and ordering another pint.
UJ Orders: Ardbeg 10 Year from the Isle of Islay, Scotland.
The Irish Heather
212 Carrall Street
Vancouver, BC
V6B 2J1
Tel: +1 (604) 688 9779
9 Gaoler's Mews
Vancouver, BC
V6B 2J1
Tel: +1 (604) 915 7338